Wednesday, April 13, 2016

What Do Librarians Do All Day?

Always worth a repeat...

There are many stereotypes about librarians. Even though we assist many voracious book readers in Somers (of all ages!), in fact, people may not have a clear idea about what else librarians do on a day-to-day basis. We thought we would compile a list of the things we work on during an average day.
  • The biggest part of a librarian's job is to help connect people to all the information in the library. That means showing people how to use all the different resources in a library, from computers to card catalogs to websites 
  • Manage the collection; ensuring books and other items in the library are ones that people want/need/will benefit from, and are up-to-date
  • Reader's advisory (includes creating and upkeep of the various reader’s advisory brochures)
  • Order and catalog books
  • Attend training and events to ensure that library service is keeping up with new developments 
  • Booking (and publicizing) new, interesting, and relevant programs 
  • Developing innovative materials to check out of the library (seeds, cake pans, knitting kits, etc.)
  • Teach people how to use their e-Readers or how to use the Internet as well as basic computer skills
  • Maintain the library's website for ease in obtaining information and/or registering for programs 
  • Maintain online calendar
  • Create monthly newsletter, program emails to maximize use of library services
  • Create program flyers
  • Prepare monthly homebound deliveries 
  • Promote and market the library using social media - Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and our Blog
  • Place holds and requests for books from outside of the library system (Inter-Library Loan) 
  • Partner with local organizations (i.e. Energize Somers, PTA, etc.) 
  • Assisting people applying for jobs online 
  • Manager student volunteers from SMS, SHS and adult volunteers 
  • Supervise and train pages 
  • Prepare reports for and attend staff meetings 
  • Prepare monthly displays 
  • Read professional journals
  • Order books for the 25+ book groups the library serves 
  • Book, organize, publicize teen programs and special events (ACT/SAT prep classes, and more) 
  • Prepare for and run teen groups: Teen Advisory Board, Anime Club, Middle School Book Group, High School Gaming Club, and Magic the Gathering Club
  • Prepare for and run story times for babies, toddlers, preschoolers 
  • Run book clubs/groups for K-12 students 
  • Summer reading programs (children, teen, and adult) 
  • Partner with schools at all grade levels 
So there you have it. Essentially, our main goal is to help you, the library user locate the things you are looking for. We do this by maintaining accurate records for all the items we buy, describing them accurately so that relevant search terms will find them, and by ensuring that books covering similar subject matter sit alongside each other on the shelves. We provide programs of interest, and discover new ways to provide the best service possible. We hope this gives you some insight into the various jobs we take care of each and every day.